9 Lessons You Learn in College As Told By Hanna Marin

Everyone knows that there is a lot to learn in college. One may think that when they go away to college that their main focus will be learning and studying for their major, however, one will quickly learn that academics are not the only lessons they’re receiving. Here are nine life lessons that you learn in college as told by Pretty Little Liars character Hanna Marin.

9. Sometimes you have pretend to be friendly

We all know that you’re inner heartless b*tch is screaming to come out, but sometimes you have to pretend that you actually don’t hate everyone and put on a happy face.


8. Living without a phone is not an option

Because let’s face it… how can you make it through the day without posting your lunch on Instagram and tweeting about how much you hate college.phone

7. Looks can be decieving 

The phrase, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” has never been more accurate. 





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