A Letter Of Encouragement on Your All-Nighter Studying

Here I am, it’s 6 am. I told myself studying for a full night was responsible, logical honestly. I told my self I could do this, but here I am. It’s 4 hours before the final… The only thing I know for a fact is the title of my textbook.

An all-nighter is the best and worst idea; this idea is constantly a debate between your sanity and your grades. This is the question we may only answer once it is far too late.

We are all too familiar with the aching remorse when it’s past the time to go to sleep. You can not risk oversleeping, and you know you’re going out like a light. A college sleep cycle is anything but normal. Our semesters are filled with late nights gulping down drinks. Be it vodka or espresso, it’s not strong enough, and we aren’t drinking for the taste.

Sit tight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride… Let me impart some wisdom from my evening “studying”, no need to take notes this time.next

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