A Letter to Current High School Seniors

Dear Current High School Seniors,

It’s a crazy feeling, huh? It’s a time in your life that you’ve be imagining for years, and it’s finally here. Congrats- you’re almost there!

First of all, don’t rush it. At 6am when you’re waking up, when you fight with your friends, or when the freshman cut you off in the hallway, I know it’s easy to throw your hands up and pray that commencement will come sooner. Your parents have probably told you, and they’re right: don’t wish this year away. There are memories that you won’t think twice about, but will look back at years from now and think, “I wish I could relive that day.” You might think prom is totally overrated, but you’ll miss getting ready and dancing for hours with your friends. High school football games can be boring, cold, and loud, but you’ll wish you could be a part of the student section and cheer on your home team one more time. Learn to cherish the nights you spend laughing with your friends until 4am, and recognize that these times are limited.

And please, don’t assume that you’re ready, because I can tell you now that you aren’t. Most high school students are used to scraping by, doing next to nothing, and still managing an ‘A’ in the class. If you try to do that in college, know that you will be flushing thousands of dollars down the toilet. You think you understand what it will be like, but you won’t understand until you’re in class how much work is required for each of your classes. Don’t overschedule yourself, NEVER take an 8am class, and make sure you’re not procrastinating all your material. You can thank me later.

Also, hug your mom every now and then. You’ll realize when she’s not around how much you miss doing that.

Save all the money that you can. You don’t understand how much money you blow through on Chipotle. Learn to be frugal. Get used to buying generic brands. Appreciate your parents doing your laundry and making you dinner.

Do all those things you would have never imagined doing as a freshman in high school. Embarrass yourself when you can and takes risks. Tell that person that you like them. Get drunk on a school night. Perform at a show or try-out for a sport. This is the last time you’ll be able to do these things before you’re shoved from your comfort zone- so why the hell not?

Go to prom. Spend time with your family. Enjoy every single minute, because this is a year unlike any other. If you’re lucky, you’ll look back on it and smile at the risks you took, the memories you made, and the bittersweetness of every ending. Have fun, kid.

Best of Luck.


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