A Tale From My Depression: Why Setbacks Are Designed To Make Us Stronger

We all have setbacks, and the ways that we handle our setbacks are what make us unique. But, in the long run, they make us stronger. We all have setbacks, and the ways that we handle our setbacks are what make us unique. But, in the long run, they make us stronger.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses, And all the King’s men, Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

I am Humpty Dumpty. When I fell, the fall knocked the life out of me, shattering me like broken glass. I became a fragmented puzzle. Each puzzle piece was defective. My pieces were left stationary on the ground, and I let them stay because I was too ripped apart inside to pick them up and put them back together.

My life was faced with an unfortunate series of events that crumbled me and crushed me. When everything started to get better, a new event would lash out, and I would be back to the same old me, but multiple steps backwards.





Once a model, but not always a modeled citizen.

Featured on Good Morning America, ABC News, and Detroit News.
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