An Open Letter To The Guy I Didn’t Open Up To (3)

I’ve always been a good listener and realizing that we both were secretly struggling with anxiety made me want to tell you all my problems just as you told me all of yours, but I couldn’t. You were leaving and I did not want to open up to you because I knew once you went back home you would get back with your ex, and I did not want to pour my heart out to someone that I knew would never contact me again. I will admit I almost told you everything because at that time it felt right. I was going to tell you that my anxiety got so bad that I was throwing up daily and was feeling nauseous everyday. I was going to tell you that I couldn’t think straight and my mind would go blank all the time. I was going to tell you that everyday I feared that I would get a phone call saying that my dad took his life because he has chronic depression. I almost told you all the things that I’m struggling with that not even my closest friends knew.


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