The Most Annoying Things You Need To Stop Doing On Snapchat (3)

14. Putting an emoji over your face

I’d likely rather see your actual face than a winky-tongue-out emoji.

13. “Single

Desperate call for “message me, I’m lonely”

12. Sympathy stories

“Awful day”, “Why me?”, “Wish this hadn’t happened”, and the worst – crying snapchats.

11. Weed

Weed is not pretty, weed does not look cool, it’s just another annoying way you let the public know that you’re a stoner – in addition to “420 roll up” in your bio.

10. Working out/Gym snaps

Put your phone down and actually work out without showing the world that you did so. Is it so people tell you how great your body is? Is it to make those of us sitting on the couch feel bad?


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