14 Love Lessons We Learned From One Tree Hill (2)

7. It’s okay to be different from other couples. 6. Sometimes things get hard and you just need to drink to get your mind off of it. That is okay! 5. You need to be your


12 Times We Questioned How True One Tree Hill Really Is

One Tree Hill is many girls favorite show because it’s dramatic and romantic and somewhat realistic, but there have also been many times we have all questioned it as well. 12. Boys aren’t generally this


12 Times We Questioned How True One Tree Hill Really Is (2)

6. Parties like this didn’t happen in high school and no dance number ever went over this well. 5. Kissing in the rain is never this romantic. You just end up wet, with ruined makeup and a


10 Thoughts You’ve Had at the Job You Hate

Being an adult is tough, especially when you work at a job that you hate going to. Whether you have a student admin job at your school, work at the local coffee shop, have an


10 Times You Hated College

College is definitely a good time and some may say it’s the best time of our lives, but there are also many times when college isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. 10. When everyone


10 Times You Hated College (2)

5. When your family back home all did something together without you. They posted pictures of them going out for lunch together on Snapchat and it’s just lunch so it shouldn’t even matter, but you suddenly feel completely


12 Thoughts Every Girl Has at the Beginning of a Relationship

Every girl is guilty of overthinking things, especially when entering a new relationship. What can I say, we like to be prepared for anything! 12. Wow he’s so freaking cute, how is he even still


12 Thoughts Every Girl Has at the Beginning of a Relationship (2)

6. Is it too early to start asking personal questions? I just want to know everything about him… What is his family like? Did he love his last girlfriend? Why did his last relationship end? This would


10 Times You Embarrassed Yourself While Drinking

10. When you casually made out with someone in front of literally everyone And you don’t remember until the next day when you receive ten different texts ranging from “Go you!” to “Oh my god,


15 Thoughts On The Weekend When You Have No Plans

15. Oh my god I’m so lame Is this really what I’m going to do all day and night? 14. It’s fine to have a relaxing weekend every once and awhile, I’ll just get a