15 Signs You’re Actually A Disney Princess (5)

3. You talk to animals. They say that dogs are man’s best friend, but you know that applies to all animals. You have many animal friends and you have some of your best conversations with them.


An Open Letter To Procrastination

Dear Procrastination, I don’t understand you. I don’t understand why you’re so tempting or why you have such a hold on me. I know you’re bad for me, but for some reason I can’t get


An Open Letter To Procrastination (2)

But I can’t place all of the blame on you. I’m the one who chose to succumb to your charms. I’m the one who chose to indulge in you as opposed to doing what I


College as Defined by Netflix

If there’s one thing that college students love, it’s Netflix. We can usually be found watching it between classes, late at night, with friends, etc. There are tons of TV shows and movies to choose from for


College as Defined by Netflix (2)

5. Arrow When people think all you ever do is go to class, do homework, and work. 4. Friday Night Lights When you wake up after a night out. 3. The Flash When you realize you’re going to be


A Letter to my Netflix Account

To my Netflix account, You and I have been together for a few years now. I’ll admit that at first I was slightly timid towards you because I didn’t know what I was getting myself


A Letter to my Netflix Account (2)

There’s so many things I love about you, though. Your bright red glow is like a beacon of love. Your suggestions show that you really understand me and know me better than I know myself


The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume

Looking for the perfect Halloween costume is one of the biggest struggles out there. There are so many ideas out there that picking just one, let alone the perfect one, is a process that takes some time and


The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume (2)

8. Google/Pinterest. Now that you’ve got your idea picked out, you have to figure out what route you want to take when it comes to your costume. You can easily Google or Pinterest your idea and


The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume (3)

6. Customizing your idea. Once you’ve found the perfect idea on Pinterest or Google to base your own costume off of, you need to figure out how you can tailor it to fit your own personality and style.