The 10 Stages of Finding the Perfect Halloween Costume (3)

6. Customizing your idea. Once you’ve found the perfect idea on Pinterest or Google to base your own costume off of, you need to figure out how you can tailor it to fit your own personality and style. Even if you decide to go with a costume you can buy pre-packaged from any Halloween Store or from Party City, you can still think of ways to customize it!


5. Searching a million stores for your costume. If you do decide to go with the pre-packaged route you may find that some of the Halloween stores you go to don’t have the exact look you were going for or they may be too overused. On the other hand, if you decide to put your costume together yourself then you may have issues finding the exact pieces of clothing you need. Either way, you could be going from store to store looking for exactly what you want.




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