10 Thoughts Students Without a College Football Team Have

One of the biggest things people think about when they think of college is football. When it comes to college football you either love it, hate it, or don’t really care about it. If you have a


10 Thoughts Students Without a College Football Team Have (2)

8. You only care that it’s taking away from your tailgating fun. Tailgates are fun no matter where you are. You can still tailgate before pro sports games, but you just wish you could do it


10 Thoughts Students Without a College Football Team Have (3)

6. You think your school doesn’t have school spirit without it. You will admit that there are a ton of other sports on campus and that they all deserve recognition, but there’s just something about not having a


10 Thoughts Students Without a College Football Team Have (4)

4. You hate that PINK doesn’t have apparel for your school. Every year you check PINK to see if they’ve acquired apparel for your school, but every year you get let down. You know that realistically PINK


10 Thoughts Students Without a College Football Team Have (5)

2. You’re bored on weekends more often than usual. There’s always tons of things you can do on or off campus on weekends, but going to football games was an entire day/night of fun. You had


7 Reasons Why Being a Tour Guide is the Best Campus Job

Choosing a college to commit to can be one of the hardest decisions of anyone’s life, so one of the biggest and most important things to do is visit the school and make sure you like


7 Reasons Why Being a Tour Guide is the Best Campus Job (2)

5. Your uniform is pretty much your every day clothes. You don’t have to worry about wearing the same outfit a million times, making sure you have enough pairs of your uniform so that you aren’t doing laundry


7 Reasons Why Being a Tour Guide is the Best Campus Job (3)

3. You know your campus like the back of your hand. Not only do you know where all of your classes are but you also know where all of the important buildings are on campus (i.e. financial


College Feelings Defined by Once Upon a Time GIFs

12. Going out on a Tuesday.  11. Waking up for your 8 AM on a Friday. 10. When your professor still gets your name wrong and it’s the end of the semester.


College Feelings Defined by Once Upon a Time GIFs (2)

9. When your parents send you care packages. 8. How you feel when you walk into class late and everyone turns to stare at you. 7. How you feel when someone understands Organic Chemistry with no