10 Signs You Go to a Private University (2)

8. No Greek affiliated houses. Forget sorority row and all the images you had in your head from the movie “Neighbors” with Zac Efron. Think again. 7. Professors that pray. We all know one. It


10 Signs You Go to a Private University (3)

6. Bible studies, everywhere. Here they’re as common as keggers. But way easier to find. You don’t have to ask a slimy boy for the address, just look to your right or left for ads


10 Signs You Go to a Private University (4)

4. There’s an annual party called “Klub Kool-aid”. No, it’s not euphemism for mixed drinks at the club. Literally, you are served Kool-aid. At least there are a variety of flavors. 3. There’s a solid


10 Signs You Go to a Private University (5)

2. Taking a Christian scriptures class. Reading the entire book of Genesis is a normal night of homework. 1. But you couldn’t imagine going to a public university. Out of fear of culture shock, mostly.


5 Ways to BS Your Way Through This Semester

Every overly -eager Freshman in college has been in your shoes.there; you’re stoked to start college, to be an “adult”, and to get your career finally started! And so you sign up for wayyy more


5 Ways to BS Your Way Through This Semester (2)

4. Take notes I cannot stress this one enough. I have had classes that put me to sleep, and the only surefire  surefire way to keep myself awake is to doodle or write. Let’s be


5 Ways to BS Your Way Through This Semester (3)

3. Do your homework at the gym I know almost no one that does this besides myself, and i don’t know why on earth more people don’t do homework at the gym. Freshman 15? No


5 Ways to BS Your Way Through This Semester (4)

2. Befriend your professors “Hi Mr. Smith, How are your kids? Did you have a nice weekend? I just wanted to tell you that I found last lecture absolutely fascinating, so so enlightening.”Okay, I have found


5 Ways to BS Your Way Through This Semester (5)

1. Make cookies for the cute boys If you’re in a biology class and failing miserably, because biology is stupid and you just don’t get it, find a cute boy. Usually biology classes are HUGE(for


8 Rules to Keep You and Your Roommate Sane

The semester is half over. And I have to admit, I was expecting things to go a little differently… Things are not going as smoothly as I had hoped. You’re not perfect, and I’m certainly