How To Be Awkward

5. Overthink how/if you’re going to say hello to that person you kinda-know-but-don’t-know-well as you’re about to pass them on your way to class.

Do I say hi? Do I wait for them to say hi? SOMEONE TEACH ME!!

4. Trip while you’re walking, but not over an object. Trip over yourself or the air, whatever works for you.

3. Overthink the amount of eye contact you’re using while someone is talking to you. Stare at them, then panic because holding eye contact for long periods of time is stressful and awkward.

I feel like I’m staring into their soul, make it stop.


2. When someone attempts to use small talk simply nod your head and agree with whatever they say because what else is there to do? You haaate small talk, and you’re horrible at it.

1. Avoid people- This might be the best idea ever. You can’t have awkward interactions with people if you avoid them at all costs right? Caution: This wont last very long, but it’s worth a try.


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