10 College Girls You’ll Probably Meet At A NightClub

1. THE DADDY’S GIRL She goes to school for fashion or art, doesn’t have a job and lives in a beautiful UES apartment that her parents pay for. You’ll most likely see her alongside her


10 Traits College Girls Want In Men – Based On “The Notebook”

Women love… 1.) Men who are willing to makes fools of themselves to show how much they want to be with you. Ah, the power of the public grand gesture. It r


College Tips: How To Day Drink Like A Pro

According to our friends over at CollegeTimes.com , this is how you day drink like a pro: 10) No Spirits For the love of god stick to beer. If you wanna last more than 4 hours


The 7 Types Of Assh*le Bouncers You Will Encounter In College

According to our friends over at CollegeTimes.com, these are the bouncers you won’t like very much in college: 1. The Guy From The Same Area As You. To you, this guy is your friend. He scans


The Power Of Friendship. Benefits Of Great Relationships

Happiness. Jubilation. Excitement. Exhilaration. These words up above represent some of the emotions that we go through with our friends on a daily basis. Friendship is a very precious relationship that we take for granted


15 Traits Every College Girl Wants In A BoyFriend

According to our friends over at CollegeTimes.com , girls look for the following traits in a boyfriend: 15) They have good manners I’m not saying that they have to be a vanilla Catholic school boy,  but


Girls Opinions On Giving Oral Sex. You Can Say Their Responses Are Interesting.

Image via Shutterstock Oral Sex. Do girls actually enjoy it or do they do it because they feel they have to? Well, we found some interesting findings from


Attention Coffee Addicts! Research Shows it’s Healthy to Drink Coffee!

The message on how coffee affects health is changing, and instead of “refrain,” it’s now “drink up.” New studies consistently state that coffee does not increase risk of illnesses, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease,


7 Board Games College Students Loved in the 90s

1. Hungry Hungry Hippos “We’re hungry, hungry hippos!”  Seriously who didn’t love playing this game? Ready, set, press that lever does as fast as you can and have your hippo “eat” as many of those


Hangover Problems Most College Students Experience

According to our friends over at CollegeTimes.com , these are the stages of a really bad hangover: Fuck I’m hungover. I’m never drinking again… I’m going back to bed, fuck that lecture! I can’t feel my face!