Why Choosing Cleveland State University Was the Best Decision I Ever Made (2)

7. Working An On-Campus Job:

Normally when you think of working during college, you may think of a serving job or fast food, something not very related to your college major; however, it doesn’t have to be that way! There are many on-campus jobs that can prove to be very meaningful during not just your college career, but also your future; becoming a Campus Tour Guide taught be to become comfortable with public speaking!


6. Trying New Things:

Going to college in a big city when you are from a very small town is a bit of a culture shock, but taking me out of my comfort zone caused me to try new things. From paddle-boarding yoga, to cliff diving, CSU truly allowed me to come into my own and become independent!

try new things

5. Research

Cleveland State has a very research-based staff; that said, there are many great research opportunities for students to participate in as well! This is not just a great resume builder, but also may open your eyes to topics that may interest you! It was a great experience and taught me a lot!

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