How To Be The Classmate Everybody Likes

Young students studying together

Everyone wants to be liked.  It helps with confidence, it makes you feel validated, and if you make friends with the right people, you can reap the benefits later.  So, it definitely pays to get your classmates to like you.  If you do, they’re be more likely to help you out when you need it, and you might just make some good friends, too.

In order to make people like you, you have to be, you guessed it, likable.  Here’s how to make that happen.

20. Treat everyone like they’re your friends.

Eventually they will be, but even when you’re first getting to know them, people certainly respond to friendliness.

19. Don’t be a teacher’s pet.

No one like the person who just asks questions for the sake of hearing their own voice.  Try not to appear as though you’re sucking up to the professor, either.

18. Smile more.

This is good advice for any situation where you’re trying to get along with other people.  Smiling puts people at ease, and it makes you more approachable.

17. Be encouraging.

You don’t have to act like the team mom, but if one of your classmates confides in you about a bad test score or some other struggle they’re having, cheer them up.

16. Be yourself.

Being likable doesn’t mean pretending to be someone you’re not.  It means being who you are, but using certain tricks to help others perceive you the way you want to be perceived.  So be yourself!

15. Show humility.

You don’t have to be self-deprecating or deny when anyone pays you a compliment, but nothing turns people off quite like someone with a big ego.  Don’t be that guy.


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