How To Be The Classmate Everybody Likes (2)

14. Don’t compete with your classmates. 

It’s not about trying to be the smartest or the one with the highest grade.  Trying to put yourself above others will only make them resent you.

13. Have a positive attitude.

For many people, complaining and having a negative attitude is just part of their personal brand of humor. If that’s you, try to work a little positivity in there.  Other people will respond to your attitude, so put forth those positive vibes.

12. Be genuine.

Don’t say things just because they seem like the right thing to say.  People can tell when someone is being genuine, and that’s how you want to come off.

11. Be confident.

Insecurity is something we all struggle with from time to time, but putting on an air of confidence will draw people towards you.  Fake it, if you have to, but not too much.  You don’t want to come off as self-centered.

10. Don’t talk behind the backs of others.

The things you say about others will find a way back to them, and after that, no one will trust you again.


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