Why College Is Not The Best Four Years of Your Life

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So we got to see how a student going into their senior year had to say about their feelings on college life. Well, they did not seem too thrilled about college. How can someone hate on college so much? We have no idea. This definitely is interesting.

Here is what he had to say: 


So I often hear that college years are the best years of your life and you won’t get to enjoy life as much ever again. I am about to finish college very soon and it could not have been soon enough. Go to a huge university with a good party scene and I have to say it is all hype. But let me get down why college years are not the best years of a guy’s life.

“You have so much freedom and little responsibility”.

So pages after pages of homework aren’t responsibility?
Having to attend labs (and do reports for homework) doesn’t count as responsibility?
Having to prepare for difficult exams (assuming you major in something important) doesn’t count as responsibility?
Having to hold down a job so you can pay for school doesn’t count as responsibility? 

Yeah, that requires a lot of time for sure. Being a STEM major has cost me a lot of time in the study room and little time to truly party.

“You are young and get to do so many things!”

Like have a fake ID so I can sneak into bars (at times risking the danger of being caught). Having to rely on others for alcohol, yeah that is so fun isn’t it. Don’t even get me started on the party you won’t get to attend if you aren’t in a fraternity because well, you aren’t in a fraternity! Let’s not even get started on dining hall food which can be terrible. Yeah, this is just so fun isn’t it.

“Like OMG college has so many hot girls, you will never be around so many hot girls ever in your life.”

That statement is partially correct, college towns are loaded with hot girls up and down the place. I see hot girls all the time at my university but in most colleges it is a mirage. You see, girls are at their peak while guys are still developing to reach their peak in terms of their value to the opposite sex. So while there are a lot of hot girls on campus, you can bet most guys won’t even stand a chance of getting with her. You see, the thing about hot girls in college is most of them (and I mean a good 90 %) focus on getting with the athletes (usually football or basketball players) or guys in a fraternity.

To make matters worse, college is also very very cliquish. I call it High School 2.0. If you aren’t a part of her social group (which can be a very tough thing to do in some case), your chances of getting with her are next to zero.

“You are going to remember these years for the rest of your life”

I agree with that. I am going to remember everything from stuck up girls to being rejected to get into that big house party I wanted to go to because I couldn’t get in without girls. Let’s not even forget the countless hours of stress spent preparing for an insanely difficult science exam that more than half of the class failed or the fact that I had tons of homework to keep me busy on weekends. Yes I am going to remember these miserable years for the rest of my life. You were right about that one!!

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