Why College Guys Never Want A Girlfriend Explains By GIFS

According to our friends over at CollegeTimes.com, this is why guys never have girlfriends.

Girls like a guy who is confident, not cocky. Arrogance can be used as a guise for humour if stated in a sarcastic demeanor and it’s crystal clear that you aren’t being serious.  Nobody likes an ostentatious prick, so don’t be that guy!

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One attribute that always lets guys down when chasing a girlfriend is being too picky. Give that girl a chance – don’t judge them purely on your first couple of times out together. Girls will often hold a lot back, and not show their true colours until they feel comfortable around you. Stay in the game for a while longer, and then make your decision and/or your move.

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When talking to a girl that you like, you always want to impress them and gain their interest, but don’t overcompensate. If you overdo it, you will come off as a self-centred douchebag who is only interested in himself. Ask her questions and use those ears to actually listen. Girls love when guys take a real interest in them.

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A lot of guys find a girl that they really like, but then aren’t willing to commit to “the chase.” Everyone who’s ever been in a serious relationship will tell you that the chase is the best part of the relationship. Among all that uncertainty and ambiguity, you’re exploring someone you’re interested in deeper and deeper, and having an absolute blast while doing so. The honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever you know!

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There was a girl who you really felt something for, but you didn’t have the cahones to make a move or tell her how you really felt and now … you’re stuck in the friend zone. Your lack of game made her think that you didn’t like her in that way so she moved on and found someone else. You guys always hang out but won;t be anything more than “buddies” now, since you missed your chance and the door has closed.

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These days, a lot of guys will have a cut-off line in their head when it comes to the girl that they’re dating. That cut-off line will incorporate how many dates he has had with her, and how has the relationship moved forward, if at all? Is their sex on the horizon? The bottom line is that some guys just don’t want a relationship, and look for girls to fill their sexual needs without a permanent commitment. If he feels like he is shoveling too much sand with no treasure in sight, he’ll swiftly lose interest. The girl is largely better off in this case.

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Remember: confidence is key! Girls love guys with confidence and will respond warmly a guy who is comfortable in his own skin. Of course there are guys out there who lack confidence and have difficulty approaching girls. Confidence comes from within, and it comes from activities or interests that you excel at! For starters, think what inspires you and what you’re good at, and draw your confidence from there. Are you a football player? A reader? A swimmer? A writer? Everybody has their own unique passion and skill – use this to strike up an ice-breaking conversation and go from there. Girls respond well to guys who are passionate about something in their life.

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Disregard the “bad boy” dilemma. Some girls go for the bad boys because there is a certain awe and mystery about them, but most girls will tell you that is largely untrue, and they certainly don’t want to end up with the bad boy. I’ve experienced my fair share of relationships and am a firm believer that nice guys DON’T finish last. However, it’s okay to have a little edge about you and a little mystery. Treat her well, but don’t be too soft – there’s a happy medium.

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