College Perfectly Portrayed by the Big Bang Theory

College sucks! But it’s also pretty awesome. There are so many things I could say good and bad about my college experience but I think these Big Bang Theory gifs do a better job:


12. The worst thing that could possibly happen is when a paper you’ve been working on/test you’ve been studying for weeks gets canceled.


11. When you got the perfect dress and heels to go out in and your makeup is on point.


10. Having to actually do work on a Sunday feels like:


9. When you don’t understand your professor’s lecture and have to read the textbook 3 times.


8. Dreams change, when you were young you wanted to be a doctor but yet you can’t look at blood without fainting.

7. You have moments when you freak out because that 5 page paper you’ve been procrastinating for days is due in 2 hours.




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