Defining The 50 States Of America As People In Bars Is Pure Perfection (3)

Maine is wearing an L.L. Bean flannel and drinking Allen’s Coffee Brandy

Maryland is drinking a Chesapeake margarita. Rim lined with Old Bay. He is insisting that everyone try his drink because it’s really good if you just give it a chance, but no one else seems to get it.

Massachusetts is in a bar fight with New York over sports.

Michigan is drinking some micro brew and playing Euchre while trying to conjure up nice things to say about Detroit.

Minnesota is a pleasant guy drinking Summit Extra Pale Ale and will happily buy you one. He’s hanging out with his obnoxious brother-in-law North Dakota even though he doesn’t want to but he’s too nice to tell them to bug off.

Mississippi is just looking to start a fight with Alabama about who’s less redneck.

Missouri is in a drunken argument with Kansas about who gets custody of their strange in-between child – Kansas City.



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