Defining The 50 States Of America As People In Bars Is Pure Perfection (7)

Tennessee is drinking Jack Daniels, and watching Nascar.

Texas is singing karaoke about how great Texas is.

Utah is the designated driver, sipping on water and making sure nobody gets too crazy.

Vermont is a guy who brought in his own craft beer from his hometown in Vermont, and stubbornly refuses to try any other beer, but is pretty much friendly to everyone.

Virginia is drinking some local craft beer that their friend made at their brewery. They will only talk about all of the fancy craft beer they have drank while complaining about traffic.

Washington is a pale girl, very quiet and reluctant to be friendly to anyone except Oregon. She has glasses and a couple books, and isn’t drinking because she’s enjoying a cup of coffee she got from her favorite place on the way here. She loves hiking with her boyfriend and watching indie movies and documentaries on Netflix. She suddenly yells at New Jersey for throwing a napkin on the floor and not in the correct recycling bin.

West Virginia is downin’ enough bud light to float a battleship, and talking nostalgically of the days when copper prices were higher.



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