Domestic Abuse: People Have Problems

Lately in the news I have been hear­ing about how hus­bands beat their wives. I can’t take the non­sense, and I am sure you can’t as well. When I think about it, it makes me sick to my stom­ach. You beat some­one who cares for you and loves you.. it doesn’t make any sense. We can explain and talk about how cou­ples fight, and how they have off days, but that doesn’t explain the beat­ing aspect. Usu­ally peo­ple who fight and hurt their loved ones have had emo­tional abuse in the past, but that doesn’t mean they can still con­tinue to beat and hurt a loved one. Let’s face it, where would you be in life with­out your part­ner? You gain energy, love, joy, and hap­i­ness from them.

If one con­tin­ues to beat their part­ner, then the love just doesn’t exist, it is not worth it for the one who is get­ting hurt phys­i­cally and emo­tion­ally. A per­son who shows anger, frus­tra­tion, abuse, and is uncon­trol­lable needs to be put in their place. They also need severe men­tal help, they are extremely emo­tion­ally unsta­ble. What do you guys think? If your part­ner beat you con­sis­tently and the prob­lem in the rela­tion­ship never got resolved what would you do? Would you stay in the rela­tion­ship and con­tinue to get beat? Or would you take a stand and say enough is enough?

Please Com­ment Below, We Would Love To Hear Your Voice

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