Domestic Violence: Love Shouldn’t Hurt (2)

Not only are you hurting the person who loves you, but you’re hurting the people who love them too. Families and friends of domestic abuse victims are severely damaged when you take a fist to their loved one’s body almost as if you were hitting them too. Once a person is physically betrayed by another person that they love so much, it affects every relationship they ever have again for the rest of their lives. They flinch at any sudden movements, tremble underneath the hand of their next lover, and become overbearingly protective over their future children in hopes that they can protect them from undergoing the same things that they once put up with. Domestic violence has the power of impacting entire communities, universities, and families forever.

After you lay a hand on someone, for the rest of their life they’re going to wonder what they did that was so terrifyingly wrong that could ever result in physical abuse from another person. Not only are you brushing their skin, but you’re bruising their self-worth, their self-respect, and their dignity.

Be the change you wish to see in the worldIf you, or anyone you know, is suffering, or has suffered, from domestic violence, give them the strength and the courage they need to talk to someone, report it, escape the situation and begin the healing process. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24/7 to take calls at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

The bruises may fade, but the fearful memory of your fist will remain tucked away in their minds forever.

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