Each Place You’ll Try to Meet a Girl (5)

2. Off-Campus Dining

If there is one rule that everyone should know when it comes to being a gentleman, it’s that you pay for the meal or at least offer. With changing times, it is acceptable for a girl to pay for her own meal, and that’s a good thing. One thing that is still a huge problem; you cannot use your meal plan to “treat” a girl to dinner. I used quotes there because you aren’t doing anything, your parents are paying for both of you. If you want to make a good impression, go to a classy place off-campus. For a really fun night, combine a nice dinner with going out to the bars afterward. Then cry because you’ll be broke.

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1. Organizations

This one is great, because it lets me give some advice that I’ve found to be true, and I bet a lot of people agree with me. As a student at a university, you have insane amounts of opportunities to find your passions. Instead of worrying about chasing down a girlfriend, start looking at what you want to do with your free time. Maybe you want to play video games with a group of people who formed a club, or you could be really interested in horse-riding. A fraternity is a great example of an organization that can be a ton of fun and also very productive. When you follow your own interests, you’re going to find other people who have the same interests, and the relationships you form could be lifetime best friends, or even girlfriends.

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Written By: Britton Scheuermann

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