How It Feels to be the Older Sibling During the Holidays (2)

5. You have to buy real gifts for people. Cut out hearts and macaroni necklaces will no longer cut it. Though everyone acts like crayon scribbles from your younger siblings are made of gold.


4. Waking up at the crack of dawn on Christmas is not ideal anymore. To make things more exciting, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get scolded at by your mom for having an attitude and not being in the Christmas Spirit.


3. You get to eat the cookies made for Santa when your siblings go to bed. Part of the reason why you probably even keep up the whole Clause charade.


2. You never fight over gifts anymore because no one wants what you have. But it should not be mistaken, bedspreads and fuzzy socks are significantly appreciated.


1. You begin to have a new appreciation for your siblings. Those who used to be annoying brats are turning out to actually be some pretty cool dudes.


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