Defining College Majors Of ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Based On GIFS (5)

Daenerys Targaryen – Double major, Urban Studies & Foreign Languages

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Ever the over-achiever, Daenerys couldn’t settle for just one measly major. The skills she learned in college allowed her to take over literally every town she passes through.

Jorah Mormont – International Relations

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Building alliances is important to him. His allegiance is with Daenerys now, of course, but he knows when to burn a bridge — like with King’s Landing, or with Chemistry 102 — if necessary.

Gilly – Nursing

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Even a White Walker attack can’t take her focus off the baby.

Viserys Targaryen – World History

Viserys Targaryen

He really only cared for the lessons about kings and ancient dynasties, though. Everything else was boring.

Varys – Public Relations

varys major

This gossip king can spin anything to make it sound just the way he wants it

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