How To Be Rational

There are very few people in this world who have a rational outlook on life and especially in certain situations. If you ever meet any of these people, befriend them immediately. There’s nothing better than a rational friend when you’re about to go bat-shit crazy.

On that note, here’s how to attempt to be rational…

3. Look at the situation in the most unbiased way. Yes this will be difficult, but try to do it.  Not everyone sees things the same way as you do.  If you can understand why the other person might be mad or upset, you can solve the issue much quicker. Obviously it’s easier said than done because at the end of the day, everyone thinks they’re right. BUT remember, it will help you.


2. If all you want to do is yell or are getting yelled at, first of all stop. Are you 5 years old orrrr? Next, tell yourself it’s not worth freaking out over, no matter how much you want to. If you’re the person getting yelled at, don’t fight back. You’ll probably regret it. Unless you’re fighting over something like food, in that case fight your little heart out.

1. BREATHE– Take a deep breath, do yourself a favor and bite your tongue. The main rule to being rational is to think before you speak. Yelling at people gets you nowhere, and being an asshole also gets you nowhere. I’m not saying you should stop speaking up for yourself  (don’t stop doing that) however, be mindful because speaking your mind can also come back and bit you in the ass… so I’ve heard…

Moral of the story: Befriend someone who is rational and can help you or move to a remote Island by yourself so you never have to deal with people again. The choice is yours!

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