What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Aquarian women do not trust easily. They might really like you, but will hold back in order to get to know you. They will take their time to warm, but once they do they are great partners. They are smart and love witty banter, anything to engage intellectually. A truly playful partner. She is perfect for a confident, independent man. Because she needs her space and is very self-sufficient.


She is a great girlfriend. She is devoted and loving. Making any guy feel special and important. Although, he is going to have to work for it. She isn’t going to just hang onto every word you say. She is also great for a manly man. She would like someone to take the lead, and she would be great for a leader.

We’re all human so of course we’re going to have similarities. Especially when you share the same element as someone, but there are some signs that are more relationship oriented and some more hook up oriented. Also, there are some open signs and more that are guarded. I hope this was a little accurate and helpful understanding yourself and others!

Featured Image via Labella.

Article Originally Published On ReadUnWritten.com

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