A Letter To My High School Best Friend(s) While We Are At College

Dear Lovelies,

We made it through high school together, and we were always by each other’s sides through thick and thin. I don’t think words will ever describe what you mean to me. Throughout the years, we have developed bonds that are irreplaceable. This is not to say we will not make new friendships along our parted ways, but our relationship is one-of-a-kind. I will always remember spending late nights with you stuffing our mouths with ice cream; I will never forget how we would communicate through our stares and random giggles; I am so grateful that I got to walk across that stage with you and throw our graduation caps into the crowd. We have created countless moments that we will be able to reminisce with together.

As we move on to college, the harsh reality is that we may develop new friendships, forging new bonds, and creating new memories. We might not talk as much as we did, nor be able to make as much time for each other as we did in the past. You might not be the person I go to tell my secrets to as soon as they occur, and I might not be the friend whose shoulder you cry on when you suffer a heartbreak. Regardless of these facts, I refuse to let our friendship dissipate while we go ahead on our new adventures in college; each of us are only one text or call away.

There is no way I could thank you enough for being my friend, sister, and shoulder to cry on for the past years. But, I will attempt to thank you and recapture our memories.

Thank you for bringing me food when I was hangry. You always know my favorites.

Thank you for letting me be myself around you. I know I can be a handful at times.

Thank you for creating our crazy videos on the webcam when we were freshmen (and maybe some now). When I am bored, sometimes I watch them.

And I will miss our things that we did together that were just funny to us.

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