A Letter To The Freshman You Were: One Year Ago (2)

It is also extremely easy to get distracted. Sometimes it is not so easy to concentrate with so much action going on around you. There are parties, invites, clubs, and more. You realize that you


A Letter To The Freshman You Were One Year Ago

Hey there fresh meat: Flashback to one year ago. At this time last year, you enjoyed prom, graduation, and other senior festivities with your best friends glued to your side. However, this period in your life was about to be behind you


21 Things From Bar/Bat Mitzvah Season Everyone Remembers

Seventh grade was defined by acne, puberty. raging hormones, and most importantly Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah season. Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah season was HYPE as a child. I rocked my crazy dresses, purple


21 Things From Bar/Bat Mitzvah Season Everyone Remembers (2)

16. The struggle when everybody in the school but yourself was invited to Annabelle’s Candy Land Extravaganza 15. Getting ready was so much fun for the girls who fried their hair with their straighteners. The


21 Things From Bar/Bat Mitzvah Season Everyone Remembers (3)

11. Silly Bandz, glow sticks, and inflatable guitars, are practically thrown at you 10. You try to dance like the stars on So You Think You Can Dance because you have to have that funky


21 Things From Bar/Bat Mitzvah Season Everyone Remembers (4)

5. Your crush asks you to dance, and you are beaming inside, but you just nod and say sure. 4. You both awkwardly dance and are not quite sure where to put your hands 3.


A Letter To The Relationships Affected By My Anxiety

To the friends, family, and even strangers whom I have affected, I would like to say I am sorry, and I guess I am to some extent, but apologizing for my anxiety is like apologizing


A Letter To The Relationships Affected By My Anxiety (2)

12. I don’t want to have anxiety. 11. Trust me, it sucks. 10. My anxiety is a part of me whether you (or I) like it or not, and I am sorry if it is


A Letter To The Relationships Affected By My Anxiety (3)

8. Trust me, I am aware that I ruined a lot of relationships through my anxiety, like ours, and it makes me miserable everyday. 7. I constantly need comfort to fight off the negativity bursting inside


A Letter To The Relationships Affected By My Anxiety (4)

4. I always have my guard up and expect the worst to happen. 3. Don’t make me feel badly for having my anxiety or make comments like “you just need to calm down” because if