A Letter to My Older Sibling

Dear Older Sibling,

Every once in a while I’ll find myself watching a movie and there’ll be an annoying younger sibling. So being the youngest sibling it made me wonder if I was ever that annoying. I’m sure I was, but I only did it because I look up to you. You taught me most of the things I know – even if you don’t know it.

I watched every move you made – not in a creepy way but in the way someone looks up to someone they admire. You’re not that much older than me, but there’s still enough of an age gap that I was able to watch you navigate through life and realize what I should and shouldn’t do. You helped me figure out my mistakes before I made them. You still let me make my own mistakes, because that’s the best way to learn, but you also taught me what mistakes I shouldn’t make.



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