A Letter to My Older Sibling (2)

We may have taken different paths in life, but I know that no matter what I do I can always count on you to help me through it. You helped me with my homework, you helped me stand up to bullies, you helped me learn to read, and so much more. You even help me now when I need to call someone to talk and don’t know who else to call.

You didn’t yell at me for hanging out with you and your friends, even if you didn’t want me around, and you always let me play video games with you. You were the best older sibling I could ever ask for (not that I would know any differently). You didn’t just put up with me and treat me like an obligation, you genuinely looked after me and cared for me.

You were genuinely just a great older sibling. Of course we’re both adults now and live completely different lives, but I know that I’ll always be able to count on you and I’ll always look at you as my over-protective, sometimes annoying, but always reliable older sibling.

So that’s why I’m writing this letter to you now… I may not know what it’s like to be an older sibling, but I could only wish that I would be as great of one as you are.

Thanks for never making me feel like just another “annoying younger sibling”.


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