The Perks Of Being The Youngest Sibling (2)

You learn from all their mistakes

Before you do something stupid, you remember that one time your older sister snuck out after curfew and got grounded for a month, which quickly turns into you stopping yourself (or just doing it smarter than they did). You got to sit back all these years and watch them get their butts handed to them, and you just take notes.


You always have a friend

No matter how much it seems your older sibling wants to rip your head off, he/she truly loves you. They’d do anything for you, from helping you sneak back in after curfew, to being your alibi when your parents are questioning you because they’ve been there, done that. You always have a friend to stay up late with gossiping about stuff you may only know from intruding on their phone calls and hang outs, but they secretly love it because you’re all caught up.


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