Senior Year as told by Friends (5)

8. Thinking you are prepared for a test/quiz/interview/anything

ross tan

This is also how I imagine post-graduation life as well. We try to prepare, and once we think we are ready something comes along to give us a reality check. I guess what I am saying is we should probably get used to the feeling.

7. “Oh, I already have a job lined up, so I’m not really worried.”

ross slow clap

We get it. You figured it out. That is great. However, majority of us have not, so let us live in a state of denial for a little bit longer, will you?

6. When underclassmen laugh at your jokes

thx babies

I became a fan of befriending some underclassmen because they are the only people that think I am funny. I like to think they think of me as a fun/cool senior, but really they are probably just uncomfortable and wish I would stop talking.up-next-page

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