SFSU Course Offers Disturbing Lecture On Race, Dildos, and American Culture

Amy Sueyoshi is the Associate Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University. Her specialties include sexuality, gender, and race. She is the author of “Queer Compulsions: Race, Nation, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi” and has lectured on a number of issues on race and sexuality such as cross-dressing, pornography, and marriage equality. Outside of all her scholarly work, Amy is an activist and Co-Chair of the board of directors for the GLBT Historical Society.

Quite the academic…

Now, as you have likely noticed from the title and preview image of this article, Professor Sueyoshi does in fact dig into race, dildos, and American culture. In fact, she dedicates an entire week-long discussion to “Consuming Sex” by offering the reading, “Little White Lies: Race, Dildos, and American Culture” This can be found in the syllabus in week 13, right before “Latina Sexuality”next


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