Single Mother Can’t Afford To Buy Her Son Food At McDonald’s And Then A Good Samaritan Does The Unthinkable For Her

When you strip away everything, life really comes down to trying to do your best to help other people. Despite the divisions in our culture, there is still a powerful sense of connectivity alive and well, and that’s why so many stories about random acts of kindness go viral.

In a world where the daily news is filled with death and discouragement, strangers being kind to strangers can act as a cure to what ails us, and the truth is, seeing these types of stories just makes people want to do good even more.

That’s why this story about a woman and her child at a McDonald’s is so uplifting. The story was shared on a Facebook post, and details the encounter the poster had with a mother and her child.

Police have to deal with a lot of hardships in their line of duty, whether that involves tracking down dangerous criminals or putting themselves in a position where they’re not safe. Other times, they have to see things most people don’t like to even think about. It truly takes a sturdy individual with nerves of steel to work for the law like that.

One such incident took place in September of 2016 when a police officer in a sleepy South Carolina town responded to a call from a 13-year-old boy. The young cameron Simmons first contacted the Sumter Police Department after getting in a fight with his mom. The officer who was dispatched to the scene had no idea what would be in store for him at the boy’s house.

Officer Gaetano Acerra responded to the boy’s call and drove to visit him at home. When he got there, things seemed normal and he decided to chat with the boy about why he wanted to run away. The boy told him that he’d gotten into an altercation with his mother over him being allowed to play his brother’s video games.

The boy led the officer into his house and showed him around. To Accerra’s surprise, the child’s room was empty besides for some clothes that had been stuffed in a garbage bag. The family was having a hard time settling down, having just moved to South Carolina from Texas in order to care for a sick relative. The boy’s mother had apparently encountered financial difficulties.

The officer left the house, not sure what he could do to help Cameron and his mother. He went about the rest of his shift as normal, but couldn’t shake the thoughts of the squalor the boy was forced to live in. He felt bad, so eventually he came to a decision that required going above and beyond the call of duty for the poor family.

Find out what exactly the officer did for the family on the next page.

Look guys, we gotta talk about this chicken nugget thing. I love chicken nuggets as much as anyone else, and if you ask anyone else they’ll tell you that they love chicken nuggets a lot. If I’m hungry, a bit strapped for cash maybe, you know I’ll be pulling into Burger King and scooping up 10 nuggets for $1.50. If I’m trying to live lavish, I’ll go to McDonald’s and get the best chicken nugs in the land.

Literally everyone of every age can find pleasure in a chicken nugget. I’d even be willing to say that, if you don’t like them, you could well be a straight up liar, but I do understand that some people have different tastes. But tell me, nugget haters, have you ever dipped your nugget in some sweet, sweet BBQ sauce? Some tangy but palatable honey mustard, perhaps?

The chicken nugget is, however, one of the most controversial foods of recent years. Professional chefs like Jamie Oliver who advocate for healthier foods in schools is practically on a crusade against the delicious fried bites of mystery meat. Some parents restrict their children from enjoying the rich, savory taste of a chicken nugget. I’m sorry, guys. It’s hard for me to think about a kid going nuggetless.

And then there are the legends of vegans, vegetarians. They’re tribes of warrior monks that live in the mountains and feed only on grass, having absolved themselves not of just chicken nuggets but all meats in their search for power. Bode well, brothers and sisters, for you are much stronger of will than I. We thank you for your sacrifices.

If it sounds like I’m worshipping chicken nuggets here, I’m not being serious, of course. The thing is, some people absolutely do love chicken nuggets that much and will go to extreme lengths to get their hands on them. They’re pretty good, I can’t deny, but the way some people relish their fast food favorites is almost cult-like.

Keep reading to find out what happened when one woman pulled a gun on a fast food worker for not getting enough nuggets.

Fertility and human conception are complicated, heavy subjects to talk about, whether you’re discussing the medical or psychological impacts of either. Creating a human being isn’t an easy process- as it shouldn’t be- but some women have a more difficult time conceiving than others.

According to, about 50% of fertility problems are caused by an issue within the woman’s reproductive system. There could be such issues as problems with her fallopian tubes, uterus or ability to ovulate (release an egg). About 35% of fertility issues have to do with the man’s reproductive system. Most often, this just means the male has a low sperm count. The rest of the cases are caused by either an extremely uncommon problem or can’t be deciphered.

Fertility issues are very difficult to treat, as well. Some doctors may prescribe a medicine that causes women to ovulate. Others may opt for insemination, which is a procedure in which sperm is placed directly inside the woman. There are also procedures that can increase a man’s sperm count or to treat blocked fallopian tubes, which wouldn’t permit sperm to become an egg.

According to, about 11% of reproductive-age couples in the United States have trouble conceiving or sustaining a pregnancy. It’s important to remember that every couple is different, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with you if you can’t get pregnant- it just means your body operates differently from other people’s bodies.

A number of wealthy or empowered individuals have taken the initiative to start fertility foundations in order to give everyone who wants to build a family the opportunity to do so. One is the Pay It Forward Foundation, which helps people of various backgrounds and circumstances afford fertility treatments or medications that aren’t covered by their health insurance.

But sometimes, celebrities use their wealth or influence in order to help aid these causes and establish fund of their own. One of these celebrities is Remy Ma, whose fertility issues have prompted her to start a fund for women who experience problems conceiving. Keep reading to find out how this rapper is looking to help women.

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