Stages of Drunk Girls (As Told By That 70’s Show)

Whether you are going out to a house party, a small gathering, a fraternity event, or even to the bars, drunk girls will never fail to be the best form of entertainment for any night out. Every one of you can think of an instance (probably dozens) in which a girl reaches her point of functioning intoxication, and then without hesitation, surpasses it.

The aggressive dancing stage

This usually occurs once this particular girl is starting to feel herself, and very much so the alcohol. She’s happy to be out with her best friends, and will begin to attempt some very advanced dance moves. There will absolutely be some twerking involved or maybe some overly excited jumping in which she constantly spills her drink all over you and stomps on your toes.

The sweaty stage

Naturally this follows the aggressive dancing stage. During this stage she will become very hot due to the fact that she just jumped up and down for 45 minutes straight and showing off what she thinks are her hottest moves.


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