Stages of Drunk Girls (As Told By That 70’s Show) (2)

The crying / insecure / “oh my god Shannon he’s talking to another girl” stage

This one is my personal favorite because you can guarantee no matter where you are going for the night, without failure this stage of some drunk girl will definitely be making an appearance. Some boy she has hung out with twice will be seen talking to another girl, which will next lead to her making some dramatic exit to the bathroom with her 6 best friends in tail to cry about Adam, Eric, Mark or whatever the guy’s name is for the night.

The best friend stage

Maybe a random girl in the bathroom fixed her hair for her or soothed her with the famous “you’re so much better than him!” speech.. therefore, this girl is now instantly her best friend. They will take shots together for the rest of the night, exchange Instagram names, and repeatedly introduce each other as “my new best friend” and then never see each other again.



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