Straight-A College Grads Reveal What Life is Like After Entering the Real World (2)

I work at a coffee shop. Yup.” – mcmur

“Working in IT for a Straight C boss.” – indigoreality

One redditor talked about how they felt like a complete failure after he/she became a “B-” student in college.

“I was a straight A student all through high school (which is probably where I peaked to be quite honest) – I graduated valedictorian, student council president, with extra curriculars up the wazoo.

My good grades got me into a great college, where we were all told at orientation “Get used to being average”. Ive never been average, so I brushed it off, thinking it didnt really apply to me.

Sure enough, despite all my hard work and non-stop studying, I was a B- student. That struggle really took an emotional toll on me and was the first of many times I felt stupid or felt that I didnt deserve to be where I was.”

I ended up transferring after sophomore year because of the financial burden plus how out of place I felt in that environment. Am currently a senior preparing to graduate in May with a B+ average. After that, going back to school to get my MBA in Human Resources to begin a career I feel Id be well-fitted in.


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