Struggles That Only Bisexuals Deal With

10. No matter how hard you try to explain your feelings you will always be told that you’re confused and you don’t actually know what you want. As if there’s some back and forth notion in your head contemplating what you’re attracted to.giphy (3)

9. Over half the people you meet ask you to have a threesome with them and automatically expect you to be into it. You’re the go to person for couples who want to experiment. For some reason, everyone thinks your sex life is made up of many orgies with a bunch of different people.


8. There is always pressure to have to choose between men and women. Even when you’re in a relationship your partner pressures you to choose between gay and straight. I’m literally WITH YOU what are you insecure about?


7. People view bisexuality as a transition. They say things like “You’re more than likely homosexual and haven’t fully accepted it.” There are no levels to being gay. You either are or you aren’t and bisexuals are not.


6. Being asked which is better. “Are women better in bed? Which is the most compassionate? If you had to pick only one to sleep with for the rest of your life…?” Since being bisexual is enjoying both men and women, I actually think I like both.



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