20 Gifs That Describe Your First Time Having Sex 4

5. When you realize your O-face is just terrible. 4. When it’s over and you don’t know what to do next. 3. When you describe it to your friends later. 2. When your friends tease


10 Videos Of The Funniest Lecture Hall Pranks Ever 2

5. Vendors in the lecture hall. Pretty much every class could be improved by allowing vendors to come in and sell candy bars to students. Let’s make this happen. 4. Magic Mike: strippers in class!


20 Gifs That Define Every Type Of Thought You’ll Have About Your Ex 4

5. 4. 3. 2. 1. IMAGES: Daily Mail | Gurl | WordPress | We Heart It | Blogspot | Wikia | Giphy | Mashable | Imgur | Viral Gifs 


20 Gifs That Define Every Type Of Thought You’ll Have About Your Ex 3

10. 9. 8. 7. 6.


20 Gifs That Define Every Type Of Thought You’ll Have About Your Ex 2

15. 14. 13. 12. 11.


20 Gifs That Define Every Type Of Thought You’ll Have About Your Ex

Whether or not a relationship ends amicably, there’s almost always a period of time when both parties find they simply can’t stop thinking about the other person.  Maybe their mind is filled with regret, things


15 “Totally College Experiences You Will Have During Your Freshman Year 2

10. You debate changing your major at least once a week. Is there anything more “totally college” than that? 9. You answer the question “how’s school?” more than a hundred times. Your parents are constantly


15 “Totally College” Experiences You Will Have During Your Freshman Year 3

5. You become a vegetarian for a few weeks. It’s a phase.  We all go through it.  It’s so totally college. 4. You protest something just because you can. Have you ever seen a protest


The 15 Weirdest Things About Attending A Friend’s Wedding While You’re Still In College

Going to the wedding of a relative or an old family friend isn’t a weird thing.  For most of us, attending the occasional wedding is just part of life, and the worst thing about it


20 Videos That Show The Greatest Drunk Fails Of All Time

Figure skaters are graceful, dancers are lovely, and gymnasts can do things with their bodies that make normal people stop and stare, but there is nothing quite as magical as a drunk person in motion.