What TAs Are Actually Thinking (2)

5. I can say a million times that I’m not done grading papers, but I really just don’t feel like doing anything. Good thing there is no due date on handing work back.


4. As long as you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. I’m required to be respectful to you. So even though it may seem like I’m a pushover, the ruder those comments get, the longer the papers are and the harder the exams. Don’t forget who holds the password to your GPA, literally.


3. There is a game that we play where we predict students’ futures based off of grades and personality (sometimes looks). Most of the students in class would be completely offended if they knew the details.


2. We don’t want to be here any more than you do. I’d cancel class every other day if I could. A nice majority of the work is time filling BS that you could honestly do on your own at home in half an hour with Google. There is a requirement to all the work on the syllabus handed down to me and there is no possible way of cancelling without getting caught. So class is in session.


1. It can be frustrating to be required to take a class and do work on material that has absolutely nothing to do with your major. Trust me, we get it. We’re in the same boat. This has less to do with my career than you could possibly imagine. But, I need the money and resume builder and you need the credits. So let’s just get through this together.

we're all

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