The Ten People You See At A Liberal Arts College

Group of six students outside sitting on steps

Liberal Arts schools have a tendency to attract a widely diverse population.  While it may not seem that all these groups would mesh together, they all manage to find common ground and form a tight knit, loving, Breakfast Club-esque home for anyone who cares to join.  Among these colorful characters that dot the liberal art academic quad are a few standouts:

10) The Overly Dedicated Theatre Person

Sorry, they can’t, they have rehearsal.  From the moment this person walks on campus, it seems they have a role in every major production the theatre department has to offer.  At this point, they have been in character so long, you don’t think they even know who they are anymore.

9) The Genius Stoner

weed tv movies movie animation

They sleep all day, never study for tests, show up for class under the influence of everything – yet they still manage to make straight A’s.  You don’t understand how they manage to do it, and you hate them a little bit for it, but you are desperate to learn their ways, because you haven’t slept in three days.

8) The Concerningly Obsessed with Anime Person

Anytime you see them, they are watching or talking about something regarding anime.  When you speak to them, it’s like they are speaking another languauge – probably because they are.  You still aren’t sure what a weeaboo or kawaii is, and you aren’t sure you want to ask.  You can Google it later.

7) The Commuter

The campus is a whole other world to this person, one filled with two day school weeks and car naps.  Part of you is relieved to live only five minutes away from your class, but the other part of you is a little jealous that they get to sleep on a bed and eat food that doesn’t remind them of cardboard.

6) The Eternal Fraternity Brother

They probably graduated before you left middle school, yet here they are, showing up to another party.  You don’t fault them for loving college or their fraternity, because they are both great, but there is something off putting at seeing a near-thirty-year-old on campus after 10PM.


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