Texas Mom Creates App that Allows Parents to Lock their Child’s Phone From Anywhere

Sharon Stan­di­fird cre­ated an app called “Ignore No More” which allows par­ents to con­trol their child’s phones if they believe that their kids are ignor­ing them.

The app takes away tex­ting, all apps, and the abil­ity to call/text friends. But it does allow 911 to be called and a select list of con­tacts that can be set by the parent.

All par­ents have to do after down­load­ing the app and set­ting it up, is click on their child’s names, enter an unlock code, and click “lock (insert name here) phone.” Then wa-la, the child’s phone will go blank leav­ing them with only a list of approved con­tacts that they must call in order to receive the pass­word to unlock their phone.

This way, the child won’t be bale to ignore their par­ents no mat­ter how hard they try.

Cur­rently the app is only avail­able for Andri­ods and Google Play, but Stan­di­ford says that a ver­sion for the iPhone is in the works.

What do you think about this app?

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