The 10 Types of Students Justin Bieber Would Be if He Were in College (2)

5. The stoner who tends to do dumb stuff with his friends instead of showing up to class.


4. The guy who is always talking to a girl…or is on the hunt for one.

guy who always has a girl

3. The “too cool for school” frat boy. He thinks he’s above it all, but in a way you kind of agree he is…?

dumb boy

2. The hot guy no one ever sees. JB keeps to himself and he tries to keep a majority of his life private, just like that beautiful guy in Chem 151 who you swear doesn’t exist outside of the classroom.

hot guy u don;t see

1. The funny guy. This is the frat boy who’s constantly cracking jokes and is worshipped by his brothers.


SEE ALSO: The 10 Types of Students Taylor Swift Would Be If She Were In College


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