The 8 Things You Should Make Sure To Leave In 2015

With 2015 coming to an end, it is time to make a whole bunch of new year’s resolutions that you may or may not stick to.  That being said, here are a just few things you should consider leaving behind when you ring in the new year.

8) The unhealthy diet.  Every year we say that we are going to eat better, so do it.  Your body will only reward you for cutting out all of the greasy, sugared, and fried food.  There are better, and frankly more delicious, alternatives.  Make 2016 your year of health!

7) Those who have really done you wrong.  Please stop thinking that you need to keep those who have hurt you in your life.  You do not own someone who doesn’t care enough to treat you right anything.

6) Using the term “literally” incorrectly.  Maybe this is a personal pet peeve but please learned the definition of this word for 2016.  Thank you.

5) A bad attitude. The sooner you realize that you have to make your way in this world the better you will be.  Find a sense of fulfillment in your accomplishment, don’t wait for someone else to take care of something for you.  Bad vibes are contagious so leave yours at home.  Not everything you will have to be a part of in life will matter to you personally, but it matters to someone.  Be ambition, smile, and get out there!


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