The Struggle Of Having A Resting Bitch Face

You have this conversation multiple times a day:

Friend: “You look pissed today.”

You: “Nope, I’m having a great day! I just suffer from resting bitch face.”

Friend: “Ohhhhh that makes sense!”


7. Passing people on the way to class-“I swear I wasn’t giving you a dirty look or ignoring you. I’m happy, I’m just thinking about how much I want to nap and didn’t notice you!”

6. People are always asking if you’re ok-“No, I’m not mad or sad or depressed, I just don’t wear my emotions on my face (oops)”

5. People can never tell when you’re serious or when you’re kidding… aka you always have to explain that you were just kidding.

4. You could be having the best day ever, but everyone automatically assumes you’re miserable.

3. You’re not easily amused. The only time you show your emotions are when you’re excited about something you’re passionate about, like milkshakes. And when you’re really upset.

2. You don’t think you’re better than anyone, you’re actually intimidated by people. They would never know it though because your resting bitch face is always in full effect.

1. At this point in your life you’re so conscious of it, but you can’t help it. You’re pretty much the reason for the saying, “Never judge a book by its cover.”

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