The Struggles of Looking Younger Than Your Age (2)

5) You’re always second guessed when it comes to volunteering to do something even though you’re entirely capable of doing it, even with minuscule tasks like taking out the trash or cooking dinner.


4) You have a harder time being taken seriously.


3) You’re always immediately called out on something that isn’t considered innocent when all you want to do is have fun.


2) You’re questioned incessantly by friends and family about your personal life, especially when it comes to relationships.


1) You’re constantly commented on how young you look now, but have to keep reminding yourself that it means you’ll just look even more flawless when you’re older.


Despite the annoyance of being judged on how young you look for your age, it’s important to remember that people’s opinions don’t matter. It’ll just be even more shocking when you blow them all away with your intelligence, confidence and overall badassness.

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