Things You Should Know About Dating The Independent Girl (2)

We don’t take shit from anybody.

We don’t mess around. No matter who messes with us, just know that the sass is very much real.


We have our own “goals”, and none of them have to do with a relationship.

Our idea of goals is a little different than your typical girl. We have plans for ourselves, big plans, and we just wait and see who happens to be along for the ride with us.

We all have a person who’s just as independent as we are.

Every independent girl has an equally independent friend. Odds are, this is the person we go to with our problems. We get each other. We know each other. We understand each other, even if you don’t.

We may not always show it, but we secretly love affection.

Independent girls like to make it known that they’re independent, but deep inside, we enjoy being wanted by someone else, and maybe even a hug or two every once in awhile.

There’s no need to fear an independent woman. If anything, she will make you stronger, happier, and more aware of your self-worth as she continues to build hers. If you have a woman like this in your life, keep her. She may seem rock solid, but she’s a rare gem.

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