10 Things That Suck About Being From Detroit

Motor Within a City

10. Everyone thinks you live in a war zone. You spend more time explaining how you’ve never been shot at than telling about the actual area you live in.


9. There is always construction. Even when there is no construction, roads are blocked off because they’re starting construction. Traffic is horrendous at all times. We’re probably the only people on planet Earth who have to call into work late while literally being down the street.


8. We generally only get 2 seasons: brutal winters and Hell summers. There’s no in between and they pretty much switch off every 15 minutes for “fall” and “spring”.


7. People have this crazy idea that celebrities from Detroit are well known locals and that you’ve met them all. Sorry, but Eminem usually does not take friendly strolls down my block.


6. All the beggars in USA have united and come to our city. On every street corner there’s somebody selling something – socks, flowers, sandwiches. It’s impossible to leave out of any store without explaining you have no extra change.



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